Parasites 101: How They Enter Your Body and Natural Ways to Cleanse Them

Parasites 101: How They Enter Your Body and Natural Ways to Cleanse Them


Parasites are stealthy invaders that can enter your body through various activities, from swimming in lakes to gardening without gloves or even sleeping with your pets. These tiny organisms live off the nutrients in your body, often leading to fatigue, digestive problems, and other health issues. Understanding how you contract parasites and how to eliminate them through natural cleanses is essential for maintaining good health. In this article, we’ll explore common ways parasites can infect you and effective parasite cleansing strategies.

How You Can Get Parasites

Parasites can find their way into your body through numerous activities that are part of everyday life. Let’s break down the most common ways people unknowingly contract these organisms:

  1. Swimming in Lakes and Natural Water Sources: Lakes, rivers, and other natural bodies of water are often home to various parasites, including Giardia and Cryptosporidium. These parasites thrive in untreated water and can enter your system when you accidentally swallow contaminated water. Even a small amount can lead to an infection, causing digestive distress and other symptoms. Swimming in natural water sources without taking precautions can increase your risk of contracting these waterborne parasites.
  2. Gardening Without Gloves: Gardening may seem like a harmless activity, but the soil can harbor parasitic eggs from animals that defecate in gardens or fields. Roundworms and hookworms are common in soil, and they can enter the body through skin contact, especially if you have any cuts or breaks in the skin. Handling soil without gloves can allow these parasites to infect you, making gloves a simple yet effective barrier against infection.
  3. Pets and Sleeping with Them: Pets, particularly cats and dogs, are often carriers of parasites like tapeworms and roundworms. While pets can be a source of comfort, letting them sleep in your bed increases the likelihood of parasite transmission. Parasites can be present in pet fur, saliva, or feces, and they can easily transfer to humans through close contact. Regular deworming of pets and proper hygiene are crucial to minimizing this risk.
  4. The Moon Cycle and Parasite Activity: There is a fascinating connection between the moon’s phases and parasite activity. Some experts believe that parasites become more active during the full moon when the body’s immune system is at its weakest. This theory suggests that parasites, particularly intestinal worms, may reproduce or migrate within the body during this time, leading to a higher chance of experiencing symptoms like bloating, digestive distress, and itching. Being mindful of the lunar cycle can help when planning parasite cleanses, as certain phases might be more effective for expelling parasites.

How to Get Rid of Parasites: Natural Cleanses

Once parasites have entered your body, it’s essential to take action to eliminate them. Natural parasite cleanses are an effective way to rid your body of these unwanted invaders. Here are some of the most reliable methods:

1. Herbal Parasite Cleanses: Herbs have long been used to combat parasitic infections. Some of the most powerful antiparasitic herbs include:
  • Wormwood: Known for its ability to expel intestinal worms, Wormwood has been used for centuries as a key ingredient in parasite cleanses.
  • Black Walnut: This herb works by killing adult parasites and making it easier for your body to eliminate them.
  • Cloves: Cloves are particularly effective in killing parasite eggs, ensuring that the lifecycle of the parasite is interrupted, preventing reinfection.

These herbs are commonly taken as part of a tincture or supplement, but it’s important to follow the recommended dosage and consult a healthcare provider before starting a cleanse.

See our current selection of parasite cleanses and solutions.

2. Dietary Changes: Certain foods are known for their antiparasitic properties and can support a cleanse:

  • Garlic: With strong antimicrobial properties, garlic can help kill parasites and improve gut health.
  • Pumpkin Seeds: These seeds are rich in compounds that paralyze parasites, allowing your body to expel them naturally.
  • Papaya Seeds: Papaya seeds have been shown to be highly effective in eliminating parasites and improving digestion.

Incorporating these foods into your diet during a cleanse can help support the process of eliminating parasites and maintaining a healthy digestive system.

3. Fasting and Detox Protocols: Fasting, particularly during the moon cycle when parasites are most active, can help your body focus on expelling parasites. Intermittent fasting or specific detox protocols, which include herbs and dietary restrictions, can give your digestive system the break it needs to cleanse effectively. Supporting the liver and kidneys during this process is essential for proper detoxification.


    Parasites can invade your body through everyday activities like swimming, gardening, or spending time with pets. While these organisms may be difficult to detect, natural parasite cleanses, combined with preventive measures, can help keep your body free of harmful invaders. By understanding how parasites are contracted and how to cleanse them, you can take proactive steps to maintain your health and prevent future infections.

    For more information or questions, reach out to one of our knowledgeable staff at 250-260-1147 or

    Always consult a healthcare provider before adding new supplements or making significant dietary changes.